The course is designed for beginners who want to improve development efficiency by using the Git version control system and gain practical skills sufficient for independently managing projects with Git.
Additionally, the course will be useful for all developers, regardless of their specialization—whether they are layout designers, Frontend/Backend/iOS/Android developers, or other specialists working on the same project.
This basic course does not require any prior specialized knowledge to complete.
The distributed version control system Git has long been a leader among similar project management tools. Today, its use in team development has become a standard practice. The Git Basics course consists of three logically connected lessons, where students will apply their theoretical knowledge of Git in practice. During the course, students will get acquainted with the Git version control system, its core features, and principles. They will see firsthand how to efficiently organize work on source code. A significant portion of the course is dedicated to the practical application of Git. After completing the course, you will be able to: • Create repositories for projects. • Maintain a history of changes. • Synchronize with other developers in a team environment. • Merge branches or roll back to previous code versions. • Integrate Git with an IDE.
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по проходженню курсу
Наявність сертифіката Навчального Центру CyberBionic Systematics свідчить про Ваш володінні новими знаннями і навичками, а значить, дозволяє вигідно виділитися на тлі інших кандидатів і збільшує шанси на успішне працевлаштування або просування по кар'єрних сходах. Для отримання сертифікату після закінчення навчання, необхідно успішно пройти тестування за відповідним курсом на